

“成功项目”是一个为期四年的项目,旨在帮助你在大学毕业后获得理想工作所需的技能和经验. 如果您符合资格,您将自动注册项目成功. 请关注您的sycamore电子邮件,了解有关可选桥梁周计划的更多信息.

What can you expect from the program?

  • Take specialized classes focused on 领导, 职业准备, and being a complete professional after graduation.

  • Work with peer mentors, 成功的教练, and alumni mentors who answer your questions, give suggestions for success, 并为“成功计划”的学生提供独特的机会.

  • Participate in exclusive service opportunities, 网络事件, domestic or international cross-cultural experiences, and 实习 and job shadowing opportunities.

  • 接受bc菠菜导航的职业咨询和准备,帮助你做出正确的选择, 制作简历, and get the skills you need for your dream job.

  • Access scholarship opportunities other students do not get, 包括出国留学奖学金和10个奖学金,这些奖学金将支付你大三和大四的学费

你可以选择参与成功项目的一个可选部分 Bridge Week – a 5-day workshop 在学期开始前熟悉校园周围的道路, 交朋友, and meet faculty and staff. You’ll get to live with other 项目的成功 students, take classes together, 发展学习小组, and get help when you need it.



Benefits of 指导

  • 获得实用 建议, encouragement, and support.

  • Learn from the experiences of others.

  • Increase social and academic confidence.

  • Become more empowered to make decisions.

  • Develop communication, study, and personal skills.

  • 制定处理个人和学业问题的策略.


项目成功的主要重点是帮助学生在4年内毕业,并在毕业后获得有价值的就业机会.  Career readiness is essential. 在这个过程中, 我们将与ISU就业中心密切合作,帮助项目成功的学生发展技能,为他们的实习和未来的职业生涯做准备.

参与者将参与全面的职业准备实践,包括, but not be 有限的 to job shadowing, 实习, 通过FOCUS 2职业发展项目进行职业探索, and coursework dedicated to professional presence, 网络, and skills articulation. bc菠菜导航技能将辅以职业准备软件, 校友指导和学生就业机会相关的职业领域.  此外,参与者将在课程学习的同时进行职业咨询.

Scholarship Eligibility


出国留学/本科 Research 奖学金: 每年, 学生可以申请奖学金参加留学或学术研究经历. 

$1,000 Bridge the Gap: 这些奖学金是给学术上符合条件的学生继续他们的教育,但对他们的财务记录有保留, restricting them from registering for classes.

Summer Housing Scholarship: 这些奖学金是颁发给那些在2022年夏季无法返回家乡城市/城镇,但希望在校园参加暑期课程的参与者的. 

Junior/Senior Tuition 奖学金这些奖学金是根据表现优异的学术成绩颁发的, 领导, and community engagement.

More information on the Optional Bridge Week Experience

项目成功的参与者可以选择在学期开始前(8月7日至12日)参加为期5天的研讨会,以帮助他们适应校园, start building social and academic networks, learn about resources, 并结识能在学业上帮助他们的人.

学生 who participate in Bridge Week will:

  • 通过参与生活学习社区,建立一个支持性的同伴网络

  • establish relationships with ISU faculty and staff,

  • 了解校园资源,并在必要时加以利用。

  • 了解高中和大学之间的学术期望和文化差异

  • 发展技能,将转移到他们的其他课程和超越.

空间是 有限的 to the first 200 students who apply, so reserve your spot today. The deadline is July 1, 2022.

Living-Learning Community

桥梁周的学生将在一个生活学习社区,学生将住在宿舍的同一楼层,并与另一位成功项目的学生配对. 该楼层将配备住宿同伴导师和住宿助理,在您的第一年课堂内外提供同伴支持. 学生将在这个社区度过整个第一年.


  • enhanced academic and social opportunities,

  • 提高绩点,

  • improved connection to faculty,

  • greater involvement in learning,

  • increased satisfaction with the ISU experience, and

  • increased persistence to graduation.


Bridge Week students who will live on campus, 住在我们最近翻修的宿舍里. 所有的房间都是双人入住,建筑的夹层有洗衣和厨房设施, as well as study and social lounges on every floor. 请填写 住房合同, choose the 项目的成功 learning community, submit the payment of $20 application fee, 然后付你的 注册订金 of $100. 


在这个项目之前, 学生将收到住宿部的通知,告知住宿的细节和说明.

注:在桥梁周期间,学生将可以使用ISU的设施,包括 Hulman Memorial Student Union, Cunningham Memorial 图书馆,和 Student Recreation Center, which features a lap pool, 休闲池, 声水疗, cardio and strength conditioning equipment, and a three-court gymnasium.


  • Check-In: August 7, 2022. Specific details will be provided in July.

2分的学生才有资格参加项目成功和桥梁周.4 - 3.高中GPA.

Student Feedback on 项目的成功

What was your favorite part of 项目的成功 overall? 

  • I liked that I came to college a week earlier

  • 我最喜欢的部分是结交新朋友,在第一周参加各种不同的活动.

  • 我喜欢这样一个事实:我们能够在第一周之前就早早地进入校园,亲身体验一切.

  • I loved how I was able to get ahead of the game. 

What was your least favorite part of 项目的成功?

  • 第一个星期,我只认识一个人,我害怕结交新朋友.

  • 没有什么. I loved everything about it. It was well work the money and time.

  • I don’t think I have a least favorite part of the program.

Would you recommend 项目的成功 to incoming students? 为什么?

  • 是的, 因为这门课程让我看到了一个不一样的世界,也让我为接下来的四年做好了准备.

  • 是的, 项目的成功 has helped me overcome and learn a lot. 它帮助我学习和准备我的课程更多,更社会.

  • 是的.  它可以让你提前了解大学是什么样的,并告诉你学生们在过去使用过的不同策略,并从中获得了成功.

  • 是的, I think it’s a great opportunity for freshmen.

  • 我将. 它确实让我在时间管理和交朋友的能力方面有了很大的进步.

项目的成功 Register
